Before building the image, please switch the working directory to the directory where the corresponding version Dockerfile resides build image by shell: docker build -t /jupyter: run container: - First Method docker volume create jupyter docker run -itd --name jupyter -p 8888:8888 -v jupyter:/jupyter /jupyter: - Second Method docker run -itd --name jupyter -p 8888:8888 -v /path/to/save:/jupyter /jupyter: Version ------ Jupyter Lab: - /Alpine-NonRoot : Jupyter Lab server built on Alpine Linux, running with non-root users (`notebook`), this build is relatively secure. - /Ubuntu2204-NonRoot : Jupyter Lab server built on Ubuntu 22.04, running with non-root users (`notebook`), this build is relatively secure. Jupyter Notebook: - /Alpine-NonRoot : Jupyter Notebook server built on Alpine Linux, running with non-root users (`notebook`), this build is relatively secure. - /Alpine-Root : Jupyter Notebook server built on Alpine Linux, running as Root user, this build is recommended only for testing or learning environments deployed on an Intranet.