123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- # This script is used by the CI system to regularly update the merge and dry run changes.
- #
- # It can be run locally as well, however some permissions are only given to the bot's service
- # account (and are enabled with --is-bot).
- #
- # See `./tools/chromeos/merge_bot -h` for details.
- #
- # When testing this script locally, use MERGE_BOT_TEST=1 ./tools/chromeos/merge_bot
- # to use different tags and prevent emails from being sent or the CQ from being triggered.
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- import os
- from pathlib import Path
- import sys
- from datetime import date
- from typing import List
- import random
- import string
- sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))
- import re
- from impl.common import CROSVM_ROOT, batched, cmd, quoted, run_commands, GerritChange, GERRIT_URL
- git = cmd("git")
- git_log = git("log --decorate=no --color=never")
- curl = cmd("curl --silent --fail")
- chmod = cmd("chmod")
- dev_container = cmd("tools/dev_container")
- mkdir = cmd("mkdir -p")
- UPSTREAM_URL = "https://chromium.googlesource.com/crosvm/crosvm"
- CROS_URL = "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/crosvm"
- # Gerrit tags used to identify bot changes.
- TESTING = "MERGE_BOT_TEST" in os.environ
- MERGE_TAG = "testing-crosvm-merge"
- DRY_RUN_TAG = "testing-crosvm-merge-dry-run"
- else:
- MERGE_TAG = "crosvm-merge" # type: ignore
- DRY_RUN_TAG = "crosvm-merge-dry-run" # type: ignore
- # This is the email of the account that posts CQ messages.
- LUCI_EMAIL = "chromeos-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
- # Do not create more dry runs than this within a 24h timespan
- def list_active_merges():
- return GerritChange.query(
- "project:chromiumos/platform/crosvm",
- "branch:chromeos",
- "status:open",
- f"hashtag:{MERGE_TAG}",
- )
- def list_active_dry_runs():
- return GerritChange.query(
- "project:chromiumos/platform/crosvm",
- "branch:chromeos",
- "status:open",
- f"hashtag:{DRY_RUN_TAG}",
- )
- def list_recent_dry_runs(age: str):
- return GerritChange.query(
- "project:chromiumos/platform/crosvm",
- "branch:chromeos",
- f"-age:{age}",
- f"hashtag:{DRY_RUN_TAG}",
- )
- def bug_notes(commit_range: str):
- "Returns a string with all BUG=... lines of the specified commit range."
- return "\n".join(
- set(
- line
- for line in git_log(commit_range, "--pretty=%b").lines()
- if re.match(r"^BUG=", line, re.I) and not re.match(r"^BUG=None", line, re.I)
- )
- )
- def setup_tracking_branch(branch_name: str, tracking: str):
- "Create and checkout `branch_name` tracking `tracking`. Overwrites existing branch."
- git("fetch -q cros", tracking).fg()
- git("checkout", f"cros/{tracking}").fg(quiet=True)
- git("branch -D", branch_name).fg(quiet=True, check=False)
- git("checkout -b", branch_name, "--track", f"cros/{tracking}").fg()
- @contextmanager
- def tracking_branch_context(branch_name: str, tracking: str):
- "Switches to a tracking branch and back after the context is exited."
- # Remember old head. Prefer branch name if available, otherwise revision of detached head.
- old_head = git("symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD").stdout(check=False)
- if not old_head:
- old_head = git("rev-parse HEAD").stdout()
- setup_tracking_branch(branch_name, tracking)
- yield
- git("checkout", old_head).fg()
- def gerrit_prerequisites():
- "Make sure we can upload to gerrit."
- # Setup cros remote which we are merging into
- if git("remote get-url cros").fg(check=False) != 0:
- print("Setting up remote: cros")
- git("remote add cros", CROS_URL).fg()
- actual_remote = git("remote get-url cros").stdout()
- if actual_remote != CROS_URL:
- print(f"WARNING: Your remote 'cros' is {actual_remote} and does not match {CROS_URL}")
- # Install gerrit Change-Id hook
- hook_path = CROSVM_ROOT / ".git/hooks/commit-msg"
- if not hook_path.exists():
- hook_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
- curl(f"{GERRIT_URL}/tools/hooks/commit-msg").write_to(hook_path)
- chmod("+x", hook_path).fg()
- def upload_to_gerrit(target_branch: str, *extra_params: str):
- if not TESTING:
- extra_params = ("r=crosvm-uprev@google.com", *extra_params)
- for i in range(3):
- try:
- print(f"Uploading to gerrit (Attempt {i})")
- git(f"push cros HEAD:refs/for/{target_branch}%{','.join(extra_params)}").fg()
- return
- except:
- continue
- raise Exception("Could not upload changes to gerrit.")
- def rename_files_to_random(dir_path: str):
- "Rename all files in a folder to random file names with extension kept"
- print("Renaming all files in " + dir_path)
- file_names = os.listdir(dir_path)
- for file_name in filter(os.path.isfile, map(lambda x: os.path.join(dir_path, x), file_names)):
- file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1]
- new_name_stem = "".join(
- random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)
- )
- new_path = os.path.join(dir_path, new_name_stem + file_extension)
- print(f"Renaming {file_name} to {new_path}")
- os.rename(file_name, new_path)
- def create_pgo_profile():
- "Create PGO profile matching HEAD at merge."
- has_kvm = os.path.exists("/dev/kvm")
- if not has_kvm:
- return
- os.chdir(CROSVM_ROOT)
- tmpdirname = "target/pgotmp/" + "".join(
- random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)
- )
- mkdir(tmpdirname).fg()
- benchmark_list = list(
- map(
- lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[0],
- filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".rs"), os.listdir("e2e_tests/benches")),
- )
- )
- print(f"Building instrumented binary, perf data will be saved to {tmpdirname}")
- dev_container(
- "./tools/build_release --build-profile release --profile-generate /workspace/" + tmpdirname
- ).fg()
- print()
- print("List of benchmarks to run:")
- for bench_name in benchmark_list:
- print(bench_name)
- print()
- dev_container("mkdir -p /var/empty").fg()
- for bench_name in benchmark_list:
- print(f"Running bechmark: {bench_name}")
- dev_container(f"./tools/bench {bench_name}").fg()
- # Instrumented binary always give same file name to generated .profraw files, rename to avoid
- # overwriting profile from previous bench suite
- rename_files_to_random(tmpdirname)
- mkdir("profiles").fg()
- dev_container(
- f"cargo profdata -- merge -o /workspace/profiles/benchmarks.profdata /workspace/{tmpdirname}"
- ).fg()
- dev_container("xz -f -9e -T 0 /workspace/profiles/benchmarks.profdata").fg()
- ####################################################################################################
- # The functions below are callable via the command line
- def create_merge_commits(
- revision: str, max_size: int = 0, create_dry_run: bool = False, force_pgo: bool = False
- ):
- "Merges `revision` into HEAD, creating merge commits including at most `max-size` commits."
- os.chdir(CROSVM_ROOT)
- # Find list of commits to merge, then batch them into smaller merges.
- commits = git_log(f"HEAD..{revision}", "--pretty=%H").lines()
- if not commits:
- print("Nothing to merge.")
- return (0, False)
- else:
- commit_authors = git_log(f"HEAD..{revision}", "--pretty=%an").lines()
- if all(map(lambda x: x == "recipe-roller", commit_authors)):
- print("All commits are from recipe roller, don't merge yet")
- return (0, False)
- # Create a merge commit for each batch
- batches = list(batched(commits, max_size)) if max_size > 0 else [commits]
- has_conflicts = False
- for i, batch in enumerate(reversed(batches)):
- target = batch[0]
- previous_rev = git(f"rev-parse {batch[-1]}^").stdout()
- commit_range = f"{previous_rev}..{batch[0]}"
- # Put together a message containing info about what's in the merge.
- batch_str = f"{i + 1}/{len(batches)}" if len(batches) > 1 else ""
- title = "Merge with upstream" if not create_dry_run else f"Merge dry run"
- message = "\n\n".join(
- [
- f"{title} {date.today().isoformat()} {batch_str}",
- git_log(commit_range, "--oneline").stdout(),
- f"{UPSTREAM_URL}/+log/{commit_range}",
- *([bug_notes(commit_range)] if not create_dry_run else []),
- ]
- )
- # git 'trailers' go into a separate paragraph to make sure they are properly separated.
- trailers = "Commit: False" if create_dry_run or TESTING else ""
- # Perfom merge
- code = git("merge --no-ff", target, "-m", quoted(message), "-m", quoted(trailers)).fg(
- check=False
- )
- if code != 0:
- if not Path(".git/MERGE_HEAD").exists():
- raise Exception("git merge failed for a reason other than merge conflicts.")
- print("Merge has conflicts. Creating commit with conflict markers.")
- git("add --update .").fg()
- message = f"(CONFLICT) {message}"
- git("commit", "-m", quoted(message), "-m", quoted(trailers)).fg()
- has_conflicts = True
- # Only uprev PGO profile on Monday to reduce impact on repo size
- # TODO: b/181105093 - Re-evaluate throttling strategy after sometime
- if date.today().weekday() == 0 or force_pgo:
- create_pgo_profile()
- git("add profiles/benchmarks.profdata.xz").fg()
- git("commit --amend --no-edit").fg()
- return (len(batches), has_conflicts)
- def status():
- "Shows the current status of pending merge and dry run changes in gerrit."
- print("Active dry runs:")
- for dry_run in list_active_dry_runs():
- print(dry_run.pretty_info())
- print()
- print("Active merges:")
- for merge in list_active_merges():
- print(merge.pretty_info())
- def update_merges(
- revision: str,
- target_branch: str = "chromeos",
- max_size: int = 15,
- is_bot: bool = False,
- ):
- """Uploads a new set of merge commits if the previous batch has been submitted."""
- gerrit_prerequisites()
- parsed_revision = git("rev-parse", revision).stdout()
- active_merges = list_active_merges()
- if active_merges:
- print("Nothing to do. Previous merges are still pending:")
- for merge in active_merges:
- print(merge.pretty_info())
- return
- else:
- print(f"Creating merge of {parsed_revision} into cros/{target_branch}")
- with tracking_branch_context("merge-bot-branch", target_branch):
- count, has_conflicts = create_merge_commits(
- parsed_revision, max_size, create_dry_run=False
- )
- if count > 0:
- labels: List[str] = []
- if not has_conflicts:
- if not TESTING:
- labels.append("l=Commit-Queue+1")
- if is_bot:
- labels.append("l=Bot-Commit+1")
- upload_to_gerrit(target_branch, f"hashtag={MERGE_TAG}", *labels)
- def update_dry_runs(
- revision: str,
- target_branch: str = "chromeos",
- max_size: int = 0,
- is_bot: bool = False,
- ):
- """
- Maintains dry run changes in gerrit, usually run by the crosvm bot, but can be called by
- developers as well.
- """
- gerrit_prerequisites()
- parsed_revision = git("rev-parse", revision).stdout()
- # Close active dry runs if they are done.
- print("Checking active dry runs")
- for dry_run in list_active_dry_runs():
- cq_votes = dry_run.get_votes("Commit-Queue")
- if not cq_votes or max(cq_votes) > 0:
- print(dry_run, "CQ is still running.")
- continue
- # Check for luci results and add V+-1 votes to make it easier to identify failed dry runs.
- luci_messages = dry_run.get_messages_by(LUCI_EMAIL)
- if not luci_messages:
- print(dry_run, "No luci messages yet.")
- continue
- last_luci_message = luci_messages[-1]
- if "This CL passed the CQ dry run" in last_luci_message or (
- "This CL has passed the run" in last_luci_message
- ):
- dry_run.review(
- "I think this dry run was SUCCESSFUL.",
- {
- "Verified": 1,
- "Bot-Commit": 0,
- },
- )
- elif "Failed builds" in last_luci_message or (
- "This CL has failed the run. Reason:" in last_luci_message
- ):
- dry_run.review(
- "I think this dry run FAILED.",
- {
- "Verified": -1,
- "Bot-Commit": 0,
- },
- )
- dry_run.abandon("Dry completed.")
- active_dry_runs = list_active_dry_runs()
- if active_dry_runs:
- print("There are active dry runs, not creating a new one.")
- print("Active dry runs:")
- for dry_run in active_dry_runs:
- print(dry_run.pretty_info())
- return
- num_dry_runs = len(list_recent_dry_runs("1d"))
- if num_dry_runs >= MAX_DRY_RUNS_PER_DAY:
- print(f"Already created {num_dry_runs} in the past 24h. Not creating another one.")
- return
- print(f"Creating dry run merge of {parsed_revision} into cros/{target_branch}")
- with tracking_branch_context("merge-bot-branch", target_branch):
- count, has_conflicts = create_merge_commits(
- parsed_revision, max_size, create_dry_run=True, force_pgo=True
- )
- if count > 0 and not has_conflicts:
- upload_to_gerrit(
- target_branch,
- f"hashtag={DRY_RUN_TAG}",
- *(["l=Commit-Queue+1"] if not TESTING else []),
- *(["l=Bot-Commit+1"] if is_bot else []),
- )
- else:
- if has_conflicts:
- print("Not uploading dry-run with conflicts.")
- else:
- print("Nothing to upload.")
- run_commands(
- create_merge_commits,
- status,
- update_merges,
- update_dry_runs,
- gerrit_prerequisites,
- )